Traveling with young kids

So much thought and planning needs to be done before you make that decision. Where do you want to go? What experiences do you want to have? Are there age appropriate activities for everyone in your company? Once you have settled on a location, the dreaded packing! How is the weather? How many outfits do you need? What about toiletries and personal necessities? Entertainment for the kids weather you are taking a plane or a car but what do you really need for a trip away from home?
As a mom of three, I've quickly learned that traveling doesn't have to be stressful - it can be fun, even relaxing! I used to spend the two weeks before a trip stressing, making sure everything was perfect but realized that kids are resilient and can usually find their own fun, with a little guidance. I’ve learned that the kids would rather engage with us as parents, be educated about their surroundings or watch the world out their window.

Baby Jack created these adorable U.S. State and City Squares to be able to serve as a look & find toy as you travel. They also have some fun coloring sheets, i-spy pages to print from previous blogs. On their actual fabrics via their products, kids can try to find trees, flowers, signs, animals, etc. and be taught without knowing it or being overwhelmed.
We also pack plenty of snacks (goldfish always save the day!) and a travel "busy bag" filled with their favorites: play-doh, coloring pages, toys and more, as well as bring along a tablet during quiet time. Now don’t get me wrong these activities are great for down time at the destination but during travel it’s a giant hassle so we try to avoid it as much as possible.

Another thing that we found useful was bringing along is our own mini camera to document the trip from their point of view. They bring their loveys to take photography and also capture moments throughout their adventure. We will cherish those photos from their perspective forever. You can never capture too many images - it is an easy thing to create some fun digital scrapbooks or even coloring sheets from pictures the kids took!
Our Loveys are also a must have for travel. Through the years we have acquired several Loveys. They have turned into one of our biggest comfort items, and the best part is they are small and easy to clip to a car seat or stroller. Our favorite Loveys tag along on every journey big or small. On our most recent trip, our mermaid lovey traveled to Wikki Wachee Florida to see the world famous Little Mermaid show. Our ocean lovey took a dip in the ocean and got covered in sand! There is nothing more amazing watching your child make the connection of seeing real crabs and finding them on their lovey.
In travel, less is more, if there is something you forgot you can usually find it at a nearby store. Traveling is meant to be fun, not stressful. Hopefully this information eases any worries you may have and to encourage you to grab a lovey for your next adventure!
Sources: Travel + Leisure