What is a Baby Jack Learning Lovey Sensory Blanket?

What is a Baby Jack Learning Lovey Sensory Blanket?

There are days that I forget I am driving a minivan that screams Baby Jack. It is covered in decals of our logo, products and images of happy customers and is quite noticeable to anyone passing by. People naturally become curious. I get stares on a daily basis and sometimes have a lot of fun with it. Countless times I have had people ask me about our business (many via drive-thru) or even run up to us in public places saying they saw our van. They ask: 

What is a sensory tag blanket?

Kids love to gravitate towards the tag on toys, clothes and blankets. They are very sensory focused and exploring this allows them to develop cognitively, socially and emotionally. We added ribbon tags along the edges of fabric and is became a security object and busy blanket since kids liked to rub, fidget and observe the ribbon tags. It is small in size and not a blanket for warmth.  That is how we started.  As my children grew, our products evolved and we began designing our own fabrics. 

The pivotal point in our business was when Jack was two and got his finger intertwined in a ribbon loop on the tag blanket I made him.

His finger turned blue. This prompted us to make a safer design and now we are a big competitor to other brands that offer sensory tags (loops or strips of fabric) along blankets and toys.  We sew our ribbons shut offering the same benefits and variety of textures - but safer for tiny fingers. It wasn't easy to grow a brand and we are on our ninth year and finally feel we are getting it right! 

As my kids began to grow out of the baby and infant stage, I recognized what little artists they have become.

Since my children still adored their own blankets I made them, I wanted THEM to help me evolve our collection and make a product that can teach kids while they grow with something they carry around all the time! The Learning Lovey Collection was born when I was teaching Jack to draw farm and jungle animals using shapes. A look and find concept grew and we now hide letters, numbers and shapes on all of our fabric designs! Jack made the lion mane out of the letter "I". How many circles make up the elephant? Being able to create with my kids makes this experience so much more than I could have ever imagined.

Since education is everywhere and playtime is prominent for little ones, we came up with another top selling item, our crinkle tag square.

This is a small diaper bag / tummy time / baby carrier-sized toy that can keep babies busy. The crackling crinkle paper we fit in between keeps kids curious and even pets playful. Sight, sound, touch (even taste) are all ways that this sensory tag toy can help with a child's development. No matter what size you prefer, there certainly are a wide variety of designs to choose from! 

Our products can bring comfort at any age. People crave - and deserve - emotional connections - that is why they cannot part with their favorite childhood blanket or comfort object. I learned that many of our customers were utilizing our loveys as parents and with their older kids to ease PTSD,anxiety or assist with focusing.
Once I saw the draw to our security blankets for therapy, we moved past being just for babies and our designs evolved to support veterans, military families, fire, police and raise awareness for causes like Congenital Heart Defects, infant loss, premature birth and autism. Designing for causes has been one of my proudest moments as an entrepreneur.

What used to be craft fairs and a basement office now has transformed into selling on our website, to gift shops, museums, toy stores and even the White House Gifts! We have built a well-known brand and selling selling selling! I never thought that I would have an office, a kick ass team and a factory to fulfill this dream. No matter the goal, we have so much fun attempting to reach it and we hope you join us for the fun ride as a #babyjackfan customer!

All because of a little boy who loved his red ribbon. 


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