Much More Than Art - Keeping Kids Creative

Much More Than Art - Keeping Kids Creative

As a parent, I’ve seen how important creativity is for my children and realized it is much more than art. It makes their imagination shine through via their drawings, paintings and doodles and it's a great therapy. You don't have to be a fancy Pinterest mom to get your kids motivated; you can get by with limited supplies, 
paint and some rocks.

But since we are chatting about Pinterest, feel free to browse the Baby Jack Kid Craft Board for ideas if you need some inspiration!

Baby Jack & Co. keeps all of our kids creative with their Learning Lovey tag blankets and toys. Kids Jack (9) and Bailey (7) take their drawings to another level -- by turning them into fabrics and hiding shapes, letters and numbers in the pictures! 

Anytime we have our loveys with us, the boys always get their brain creative juices flowing by playing iSpy locating colors on the lovey and then searching for a similar color around them.

"What we thought was a comfort object to sleep with turned into an educational tool that we travel with." 

Recently, our family traveled to Texas and we were lucky enough to be able to go to The Crayola Experience! The boys had a blast running around, making their own crayons, designing their own art and seeing all the interactive hands on experiences they had to offer. They were STILL and engaged learning all about different color combinations along with the history of Crayola! It truly was an experience and we could have invested hours there if we had the time.

So even if you’re not that Pinterest mom, bring them to a museum or just throw art supplies on a table...don’t give up on creativity. Look around you, get creative and encourage those young minds. You’ll be surprised at their abilities and they probably will be too! 

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