International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is Tuesday, March 8, 2022! It’s the day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women! As a woman owned and run business, this day was important to us to celebrate and acknowledge!! Although, we strive to celebrate women supporting women daily!!! In this post we interviewed each of our employees on how we work towards this!! You will see answers from our owner Kelley, Britnee, our other Kelly, and Rebekah! 

Q: If you could have dinner with three inspirational women, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

Rebekah: Dolly Parton, Ruth Handler and Susan B. Anthony. The takeaway of learning how to better myself and give more to the community from these three women would impact a path to more success. 

Dolly, despite her fame, has always stayed true to herself AND her roots. She works hard and loves to give back! 

Ruth Handler invented the Barbie Doll. She is a wonderful example of a powerful business woman! 

Susan B. Anthony played a huge role in the women’s suffrage movement! She’s one of the many women that paved the way for our rights as women.


Q. What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?

Kelley: Give yourself Grace and always have Faith. My mentor has been a significant factor in many aspects of my growth, as a person and business owner. We both have strong faith and know there is a distinct purpose for all of us in this life. 

Britnee: Stay true to yourself. The world needs what you’ve got! If we all did the same thing at the same time, life would be so boring! Be yourself, follow your dreams, use your strengths to help others!! 


Q. Have you faced any barriers in your career due to being a woman? If so, how did you overcome them?

Kelley: Personally, I have encountered women in various industries who were not supportive during my times of success. It turned me off to working with many other entrepreneurs and collaboration opportunities. Eventually I changed my mindset and acknowledged the ones who have been long time cheerleaders, customers and collaborators and realized how each of us is made different and in our lives for a reason and season. Embracing that idea opens up to welcome others into sharing your passion. 


Q. Is there anyone that inspires you in your career?

Rebekah: My mom is my biggest career inspiration. She was a single mom, with no college degree or job experience, but knew she wanted better for us. She took a job, learned new skills and never gave up. She now has an amazing career and shows women of all ages that with some hard work and perseverance, you can get where you want to be. 


Q. How important is it for women to lift each other up and what does that mean to you?

Kelley: It is extremely important to have a tribe that is there for you, who put in the work, share in your success and wear their heart on their sleeve for your passion. Being an entrepreneur can often feel lonely, especially in a virtual world. Now, often I get random messages from friends and colleagues recognizing my love for work, giving back and marketing! It fuels me. 

Kelly: It's important for women to support each other. To me that means encourage, listen, and value another's thoughts and opinions. Not see each other as competition but to wish success on each other.

Q. Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

Kelley: Showing up for our fellow workers, followers, customers and our kids who are watching our every move makes this more important than ever. Years back, many women pioneers fought hard for women to have rights and receive respect, we owe it to their grit and hustle to carry on.

Britnee: To add to Kelley, I think it’s important for our children! As a girl mom, I want my girls to know there are no limits to what they can do and be! That they can change the world around them!

Currently I have a wonderful team of women who build one another up, work hard and truly bring it daily to grow our brand. As their leader, I continue to offer great challenges to them to grow their own passion.  xo Kelley

We all have our parts to contribute to Baby Jack & Co! We all support each other! We come together and make the perfect team and we couldn’t do it without all of the incredible Mama #BabyJackFans!! 


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