Guidance Guide Review of Jungle Tag Blanket Lovey
Our secret to transitioning both kids to their cribs was giving them a little lovey blanket that they could find for comfort in the middle of the night. The downside is that we go through SO many of them because they wear out the tag, and to be honest that's the only part they care about 😂 So I love Ethan's newest lovey from @babyjackco because, besides having the cutest prints and being so soft and cuddly, it has 16 tags around the outside edge for his little fingers to find. They are different sizes and textures for sensory input and the best part is that they're all sewn shut so no little fingers can get stuck! Follow @Jessicagrant14 on IG
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@guidanceguide #guidanceguide#mystuffmystory #babyjackfan