a JAWSOME toy for CHOP Babies - designed by Finn & Mason!

a JAWSOME toy for CHOP Babies - designed by Finn & Mason!

We created this Baby Jack Lovey Blanket & Toy design to benefit one of our favorite weeks of the year! Yes, even bigger than Christmas!


Why? Well, first of all, our youngest son is named Finn. You know, like a shark fin! From age 3 months old, he has always had an interest in sharks! It’s started with Bruce from finding Nemo and then transferred to a show called Octonauts. But when Discovery channel has shark week, little Finn became just completely enamored with real life sharks! As it turns out, he is very similar to a real shark. Resilient to the core!

This year, we are celebrating our 6th shark week. Each year, we always do some type of donation and giving back project and this year we have a pretty special one with Baby Jack! 

Hospitals all over the country are inspired and really enthusiastic about shark week. A lot of hospitals have decided to give onesies that say ‘baby shark’ to all of the newborn babies born during shark week in their local nursery! This was such a great idea. And with our hospital connections, it sounded like a good project to carryover! Unfortunately, our hospital connections are in the world of special needs kids and very fragile, medically complex children. The nurseries for these babies are not filled with healthy screaming babies but instead, babies that are struggling to stay alive. Babies that have many wires, tubes and even open areas that are healing like a chest scar. So onesies were out.

Then came Baby Jack & Co. Our local hospital LOVES the loveys. We have donated hundreds. So owner Kelley had an idea and A brilliant one at that, something we have not done yet...their Sensory Crinkle Tag Squares! So she took her original Ocean fabric design and asked me if the kids wanted to draw their very own SHARK to add to it. The boys and I used shapes to draw a shark, as all of their designs are made to be educational. 

Notice anything special about this shark!? Yup, it’s got Finn’s name on it! Perfect name for a shark anyways! These will be great for the families to hang onto the side of the crib so that the little ones can hold and provide comfort, and some amazing sensory issues and physical therapy for them as they fight each and every day. Plus, babies love the crinkle crackling sounds that this 8x8 tag square toy makes!  The colors will also be bright and cheery and help for their vision and development. Best part, when they are finally able to go home, it hooks right to the stroller or car seat to give them something familiar to take home but also something to keep them busy on the long car ride! 

So join us for the next couple of months, as we collect these adorable, new and very affordable crinkle squares for the babies in the NICU at CHOP for Shark Week! Your donation of sponsoring a NICU Baby at CHOP is only $8.00! 

Look at the 35 donations that piled in!! Let's reach 100!! 

Donate the Finn Shark Toy to CHOP for $8 each!
Enter code KIND to remove shipping + enter any address as they will all get shipped to Finn!

We are very excited about this project!!! So swim with us and SWIM FAST to donate one to one of our families who have not just baby sharks but very special baby sharks!!!! Once this shipment arrives at the Baby Jack offices, they will be selling them for everyone on their website - for now, it is special for our Shark Babies!  As always, thank you all for your support, and happy shark week!
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