Teaching Kids Kindness at a Young Age.
Kids are resilient. They adapt to their surroundings and soak up all that they can, like sponges. Baby Jack focuses on encouraging early learning and teaching Kindness where we can. Our #spreadthelovey and Teaching Kindness campaign brings a real life #babyjackfan as the face of our lovey and promotes their cause.
#causemarketing is doing something good with a brand. "Having a business that can give back has been one of my greatest accomplishments, next to my own kids" says owner Kelley Legler. Recently we partnered with Changing the Face of Beauty to acknowledge our involvement of working with a diverse group of people that have unique abilities.
As a way to help other families and thank them for being so involved with Baby Jack, their pictures will be on our product tags with information about their cause, driving traffic and awareness to their social page. "We hope that having these products in stores all over with real kids making a difference will bring light to their organizations" said Legler.
Here are some of the faces of the 2016 Teaching Kindness Campaign:
Charlie from Twelve & Six
We reached out to Katie Crenshaw after seeing her daughter as a fellow store's brand rep on Instagram. Her girl Charlie was born with a large "birthmark" on her face called a capillary hemangioma and is bringing awareness to every child's unique beauty with our Flamingo lovey! She is bringing lovey donations to The Newborn Nursery at Northside Hospital Cherokee in Canton, GA. Donate with Charlie here

Every Child is a Blessing - My Journey Through My Pregnancy
Ever since I designed our Rainbow security blanket lovey, I have wanted to connect with Chasity who is a mom bringing awareness to women who have experienced a miscarriage. She joined our Kindness campaign to bring lovey donations to the Pregnancy Help Center of Lufkin, TX. This is a safe place which offers needed information, resources, and loving support to sexually active, pregnant and mothering women of all ages. For those who choose parenting, they offer mentoring, education, and material assistance during your pregnancy and through your child’s first birthday.
Donate to Chasity's cause here and order a lovey for your very own Rainbow Baby!
Ace from Aston's Warriors
Abigail Martin is inspired by her son Ace who was diagnosed with hydrocephelus, a nuerological disorder and microphtalmia an eye disorder. Ace has been bringing in donations for Cincinnati Children's Hospital and will be on our Lion Lovey tag for his courage! Their mascot for his fight has been Lions and it is fate that we crossed paths! #spreadthelovey with Ace
Finn from Prayers for Finn
Finn has been a #babyjackfan since he was in his mom's belly and diagnosed with a congenital heart defect. Big brother Mason grew up with his own lovey and when mom Kelly reached out to us to create for Finn, we knew we needed to do something BIG because Finn was destined for great things. So far, UVA Children's have received nearly 600+ loveys for the PICU and NICU in Finn's name. This July Finn will be the face of our Shark Lovey to encourage everyone to Just Keep Swimming! #spreadthelovey with Finn to UVA

Gracie from Friends of Grace
Amanda and Beau Brezenski are family friends of the Legler family. Gracie is their first born, a daughter who was born with Emanuel Syndrome. She has continued to bring light to so many in the Madison community and spread awareness about this chromosomal disorder that affects development. Gracie is the first charity fundraiser that Baby Jack & Co. participated in and we are happy to have her on our Elephant lovey hang tag!
#spreadthelovey with Grace to AmFm Children's Hospital
The Carrying On Project
TCOP is a non profit that supports military families by providing them a baby carrier to promote bonding between parent and child. We partnered with TCOP to bring comfort to military children and families during deployment and returning home with our US Flag tag blanket lovey. #spreadthelovey and donate here!
Anastasia from Share the Lovey
We received a kind message from #babyjackfan and customer Melissa Leslie that she wanted to DO something to give back to Stanford Children's Hospital, the hospital that saved her daughter's life. She brought us the idea of creating a page to bring in funding from her friends and family to buy loveys from us. Loveys to bring comfort to heart babies. After a year of partnering with Spread the Lovey, her heart focus project Share the Lovey has brought in over 700 Baby Jack gifts to children at the PICU, NICU and pediatric cancer patients. She has inspired so many more moms of prayer pages to join us to give back. Without her, we wouldn't have expanded Spread the Lovey to what it is today. Happy to have created this heart fabric with her and see Anastasia on the tag! Donate to heart heroes here!
Are you interested in becoming part of our Kindness Team to #spreadthelovey to your own organization of choice or get involved? Email social@babyjackblankets.com